๐Ÿ†Bonus Score

The bonus points together with reward in YUGI depend on the trainer chosen by the player, as the following chart:

NOTE: Z`s Bonus value is higher than Yยดs and Y`s higher than Xยดs (Z>Y>X).

As a bonus point illustration gathers for each trainer type, we take as a base example that each victory gives 30XP points, and each defeat removes 3XP points (10% of the match value).

The list below shows a sham illustration that exemplifies the bonus point for each trainer:

- Freddy (free): In case of victory, player gets only 30XP points;

- Mary (If X=10%): In case of victory, player gets 30XP points + 10% bonus (3 points). Total = 33 XP points.

- Jako (If Y=20%): In case of victory, player gets 30XP points + 20% bonus (6 points). Total= 36 XP points.

- Isah (If Z=30%): In case of victory, player gets 30XP points + 30% bonus (9 points). Total= 39 XP points.

As shown above, the player that has Freddy (free trainer) will receive 30 XP points. Yet the player that has Isah will receive 39 XP points for each victory.

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