๐Ÿช™Reward in YugiCripto

Every time that a player wins a match, he gets the respective value from his level, itยดs also important to highlight that the type of the trainer obtained also gives bonus in YUGI. If a player gets defeated, he wonโ€™t get rewards.

As a manner to illustrate the bonus reward in YUGI obtained by each type of trainer, we will take as an example, in an illustrative way, that for each win the player gets, he will recieve 50 YUGI as reward (Fictitious value, does not represent the real value of earnings, it is only valid as a form of exemplification):

Below, there is a fictitious illustration, as an example of the token bonus percentages (Yugi) for each trainer:

- Freddy (free): In case of victory, player gets 50 YUGI;

- Mary (If X=10%): In case of victory, player gets 50 YUGI + 10% bonus (5 YUGI). Total= 55 YUGI;

- Jako (If Y=20%): In case of victory, player gets 50 YUGI + 20% bonus (10 YUGI). Total= 60 YUGI;

- Isah (If Z=30%): In case of victory, player gets 50 YUGI + 30% bonus (15 YUGI). Total= 65 YUGI.

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